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New Release:
Store Assets Comparison Tool

Many of you are already tracking your games’ competitors’ activity, which is a smart move if you don’t want to miss any changes they make to store page elements. However, we have learned that there is a strong need for a tool that helps you properly compare your competitors’ store assets to those of your own games, so you can develop better positioning strategies. That’s why we have developed the asset comparison tool.

Compare discoverability assets

How to position your games on Steam is something you should think about extensively: What tone do you want to use in your short description, how bright should your screenshots be, what tags should you use, and finally, how extensive do you want to inform Steam users about your game before they purchase it and try it out for themselves?

Apart from your own ideas and preferences, these decisions should be based on how competing games position themselves on Steam. After all, they are the ones users consider instead if your games’ store pages are not able to convert them to players. 

First, you have to make sure that your games are able to stand out as much as their competitors. Usually, that would mean browsing through the store to collect all the relevant discoverability assets. Discoverability assets are those elements that promote a game outside of its own store page, so in the rankings, featured lists, etc. 

They are the first impression makers for Steam users when browsing through the store, so make sure they are as presentable as you can (and ideally better looking than their competitors!). 

Compare store page assets

Next to your games’ discoverability assets, but probably even more importantly, you need a clear picture of how your games’ competitors portray themselves through their store pages. This includes analyzing all the elements that make up their store page, from the short description (which needs to excite users’ curiosity) to screenshots and videos. Our analysis revealed that highly popular games (once with a rating higher than 95%) change, and likely improve, their store page background images and thumbnails twice as often than less popular games, and replace videos event three times as often in order to drive conversion.

Compare store page tags

Finally, let’s take a look at the tag comparison tool. While before it was only possible to evaluate your own games’ tag compositions, with the tag comparison tool you can now access an overview of all tags that are used across your competitors. This helps you better understand which tags are most (or least) contested, and which prove the highest potential for driving more discoverability. Tip: Identify and apply less competitive, highly popular tags that your competition has not found yet and monitor the effect of the change in the store page tool.

We’re already busy working on the next release that includes periodical email updates about your games’ sales performance, competitor activity, and more.

We’ll be happy to get your feedback about our insights, tools, and features at

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